The kinds of dullards to go to University of Kassel, Germany:
Eager girls from all broken states of Russia, former Soviet Union. Places that you’ve heard of only while speed reading, for example, Georgia and Turkemenistan. (Did you know these are real countries?) All of them come with brothel dreams to Germany. They want to study globalization to stuff themselves into Middle East whorehouses eventually.
Students from Iran — weird but true. Iranians flock to Germany. (Maybe they don’t flock like the Turks). They go to Germany because the Nazis want to keep enemies of the Jews in Israel as friends.
Eastern European countries — students from places that are entirely hopeless, for example, Romania. (Hard to tell whether that’s Eastern Europe or Russia. They’re all pretty much the same. This must be the Ashkenazi race, the Huns, the Gog and Magog primitive tribe of Jinns).
There was an old short British boy who was trying to complete his Masters thesis for 5 to 10 years. His name was Mike Wright and he only had one jacket to wear all winter. He never washed it.
The Americans come from poor homes. From tractor farms. They have low self-esteem, which is why they didn’t apply to good schools in their own countries. When rape-attempter Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep — very interested in students’ genital condition — asked a tractor farm girl from Sacramento, California what her boyfriend does; she said, “He works.” She was fucking with a labor German boy. Her name was Nicole De Cuir. And, Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep was very jealous of the laborer.
Another American, Aaron Leopold, had very low self-esteem. He had very low IQ, too, and he was completely Nazi-brainwashed, so much so that he only memorized political opinions from trashy magazines, etc. and offered his butt to Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep whenever the Nazi asked.
And there are boys and boys and no girls from Bangladesh, Pakistan or India. The boys are all very ugly and poor, they’re arse-sharers.
A few from African countries — they, too, are looked down upon by the Nazis.
Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep is very emotional in his Nazism. He takes this political belief system very seriously. You can see his feelings for various races on his hideous German face. And you could do brain testing on the Nazi in the classroom or wherever, and find out lots more about this crazy race.
Get the Nazi!
Least-Income Terrorism @ The Global Labour University (GLU): Programme Germany
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Looking for Free Blowjobs? Apply to MA Global Political Economy (GPE), University of Kassel
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Nazi Rape-Attempter Rolf-Dieter Postlep Establishes New Arab Brothel: International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), Uni Kassel
Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, an ugly old senile professor at the University of Kassel, Germany, has tried to rape Jewish and Muslim students. God only knows how many have complained to the Neo-Nazi government of Germany, including their education ministries. But, instead of putting this old fart behind bars, the Nazi government has gifted the University of Kassel with 5 million Euros to establish a new brothel called International Center for Decent Work.
This blog was created to warn all innocents to keep away from Kassel University. Know them for what they’re worth.
Rape-attempter Rolf-Dieter Postlep is running 2 programs at this nameless university for the dullest of the dull students. These programs are called MA Global Political Economy (GPE) and MA Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG). Both were created to promote Hitler’s ideologies, inclusive of the New World Order, communism and terrorism. Besides, all students of these programs are expected to work as prostitutes for ugly Germans — so don’t be fooled. You should go there only if you’re a Satanist on your way to hell.
This blog was created to warn all innocents to keep away from Kassel University. Know them for what they’re worth.
Rape-attempter Rolf-Dieter Postlep is running 2 programs at this nameless university for the dullest of the dull students. These programs are called MA Global Political Economy (GPE) and MA Labour Policies and Globalisation (LPG). Both were created to promote Hitler’s ideologies, inclusive of the New World Order, communism and terrorism. Besides, all students of these programs are expected to work as prostitutes for ugly Germans — so don’t be fooled. You should go there only if you’re a Satanist on your way to hell.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Gas Chamber Race Scares Off International Students at ICDD, University of Kassel, Germany
They say the Germans are pretty sensitive about remembering the Holocaust and their Nazi history.
That’s because the entire world calls them crazy.
Uneducated Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, rape attempter at Kassel University, Germany, must take pride in the fact, therefore, that he doesn’t gas students to death. He only destroys young people’s lives in other ways. These are old and frustrated creatures, the Nazis. Calling themselves superior doesn’t guarantee them eternal youth, which is one of the reasons why Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep and his Nazi cousins are cold-blooded about brainwashing young minds into Nazism, and helping each other try to rape students from different cultures.
Some of the women that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep tried to rape were thinking of being thrown into gas chambers. They ran away from Germany. Who knows what the Nazis would have done further? Who would trust the Germans? A crazy race is a crazy race.
That’s because the entire world calls them crazy.
Uneducated Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, rape attempter at Kassel University, Germany, must take pride in the fact, therefore, that he doesn’t gas students to death. He only destroys young people’s lives in other ways. These are old and frustrated creatures, the Nazis. Calling themselves superior doesn’t guarantee them eternal youth, which is one of the reasons why Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep and his Nazi cousins are cold-blooded about brainwashing young minds into Nazism, and helping each other try to rape students from different cultures.
Some of the women that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep tried to rape were thinking of being thrown into gas chambers. They ran away from Germany. Who knows what the Nazis would have done further? Who would trust the Germans? A crazy race is a crazy race.
Nazi Psychopathy Generation at MA Global Political Economy (GPE), Uni Kassel
Psychopathy is an inherited disease. All descendants of the Nazis must be psycho.
Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, rape attempter at Kassel University, Germany, is most definitely a psychopath. (His grandfather served as a Nazi priest for Hitler).
Here’s how this professor generates psychopathy or cognitive dissonance at Kassel University, Germany. (The bastard shouldn’t be pretending to be a professor anyhow).
Psychopathy is to live away from reality. Reality is truth.
Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep tried to rape students.
Other students were witnesses, open-mouthed.
But the Nazi professor obviously denied the allegations. He forced the other students (the witnesses) also to deny what they’d seen. (Old Nazi brainwashing tricks at work).
Now the news is all over the place. The other students, the witnesses, are still dead in their intellects, living away from reality, taking a psychopath for a professor. They deny what they’ve seen, they deny reality; they’ve all been turned psycho, thanks to Nazi Kassel University.
And the professor was always crazy. He doesn’t know whether to believe the news or the lies he’s told his Nazis to support his rape attempts on Jewish and Muslim students at Kassel University. If you ask him what really happened, he can’t tell you the truth. This is a psycho professor.
The professor would go on refusing to live reality. The witnesses, the dead students who watched, cannot live reality either. The Nazis instilled fear in the witnesses. The students who watched Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep’s sexual misbehavior were forced to believe they should be afraid of the Nazis, which is why they had to side with a psycho professor. The professor could have killed them for reporting truth. Hence, psychopathy or living away from reality was forced upon them. Now those students would always be insane like the Nazis.
Only those whose human rights they violated have the pleasure of being sane.
Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, rape attempter at Kassel University, Germany, is most definitely a psychopath. (His grandfather served as a Nazi priest for Hitler).
Here’s how this professor generates psychopathy or cognitive dissonance at Kassel University, Germany. (The bastard shouldn’t be pretending to be a professor anyhow).
Psychopathy is to live away from reality. Reality is truth.
Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep tried to rape students.
Other students were witnesses, open-mouthed.
But the Nazi professor obviously denied the allegations. He forced the other students (the witnesses) also to deny what they’d seen. (Old Nazi brainwashing tricks at work).
Now the news is all over the place. The other students, the witnesses, are still dead in their intellects, living away from reality, taking a psychopath for a professor. They deny what they’ve seen, they deny reality; they’ve all been turned psycho, thanks to Nazi Kassel University.
And the professor was always crazy. He doesn’t know whether to believe the news or the lies he’s told his Nazis to support his rape attempts on Jewish and Muslim students at Kassel University. If you ask him what really happened, he can’t tell you the truth. This is a psycho professor.
The professor would go on refusing to live reality. The witnesses, the dead students who watched, cannot live reality either. The Nazis instilled fear in the witnesses. The students who watched Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep’s sexual misbehavior were forced to believe they should be afraid of the Nazis, which is why they had to side with a psycho professor. The professor could have killed them for reporting truth. Hence, psychopathy or living away from reality was forced upon them. Now those students would always be insane like the Nazis.
Only those whose human rights they violated have the pleasure of being sane.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Smelly German Genital Emotions @ Promotionskolleg Global Social Policies and Governance, Uni Kassel
Why doesn’t anybody feel sorry for the Russian Communists, poor dull and obedient Nazis, or their Taliban brethen, poverty-stricken criminals in Afghanistan?
Because these Bedouins are proud of being Bedouins.
What does it mean to be a Bedouin? — It means that you’re low-bred and uncivilized like Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep and his gang of sleezy bums at University of Kassel, Germany. It means that your daughters spread their legs before every tom, including women, at universities. It means that your old senile German professors eyeball students in class to sleep with them, and threaten them with torture if they disobey.
And they don’t know what it means to be high-bred. They can’t even understand why people always report Nazism. According to them, it’s normal to be Nazi, which means to be jealous of all others; and to rob, torture, rape or kill everybody who appears high-bred. That’s Russian Communism in modern-day Germany. It’s called Marxism, too. What they’re trying to do is make Taliban Afghanistan of the entire world. They want all people to become Bedouins.
And they’d never work at becoming high-bred themselves. They’d only steal, rape, torture and kill. They haven’t been taught to work honestly, let alone to work on themselves. These are the classless, the tasteless, the low socioeconomic class taking pride in its animal instincts, while refusing education and civilization and culture.
In short, they don’t know the difference between high- and low-bred. They’d rather not know. Ignorance is bliss. Because the German Nazi government supports its Neo-Nazis like rape attempter Rolf-Dieter Postlep, so-called professor at Kassel University, they’d go on committing crimes against humanity.
UK and US: We’re all waiting for you to bash the Nazis once more!
Germans should know, and teach the same to low-income, low-bred bums from elsewhere that look up to the Nazis: If you’re ugly, you were born ugly; if you’re poor and low-bred then that’s your fate; if you’re dumb you’re dumb; and nothing that you do in your envy could steal human rights from people.
Because these Bedouins are proud of being Bedouins.
What does it mean to be a Bedouin? — It means that you’re low-bred and uncivilized like Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep and his gang of sleezy bums at University of Kassel, Germany. It means that your daughters spread their legs before every tom, including women, at universities. It means that your old senile German professors eyeball students in class to sleep with them, and threaten them with torture if they disobey.
And they don’t know what it means to be high-bred. They can’t even understand why people always report Nazism. According to them, it’s normal to be Nazi, which means to be jealous of all others; and to rob, torture, rape or kill everybody who appears high-bred. That’s Russian Communism in modern-day Germany. It’s called Marxism, too. What they’re trying to do is make Taliban Afghanistan of the entire world. They want all people to become Bedouins.
And they’d never work at becoming high-bred themselves. They’d only steal, rape, torture and kill. They haven’t been taught to work honestly, let alone to work on themselves. These are the classless, the tasteless, the low socioeconomic class taking pride in its animal instincts, while refusing education and civilization and culture.
In short, they don’t know the difference between high- and low-bred. They’d rather not know. Ignorance is bliss. Because the German Nazi government supports its Neo-Nazis like rape attempter Rolf-Dieter Postlep, so-called professor at Kassel University, they’d go on committing crimes against humanity.
UK and US: We’re all waiting for you to bash the Nazis once more!
Germans should know, and teach the same to low-income, low-bred bums from elsewhere that look up to the Nazis: If you’re ugly, you were born ugly; if you’re poor and low-bred then that’s your fate; if you’re dumb you’re dumb; and nothing that you do in your envy could steal human rights from people.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Hire Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, ICDD, University of Kassel, as Cleaning Lady (Fagot)
The German education system is in shits. This race of Jinns may be ok with technology because Jinns are made of electricity. But, it is not possible to reform the German education system until and unless Germany closes down all its departments for Social Sciences.
Germans? Society? Social Sciences? — Impossible.
One of the women that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep eventually tried to rape has reported that he was trying to kiss her during the orientation session for poor dullards of MA Global Political Economy (GPE) at University of Kassel. Other students were watching open-mouthed. But if you ask them today whether they saw anything — No, they were turned blind by Hitler’s magic.
Anyway, this professor’s behavior shows that he wasn’t really a professor. He was something of a cleaning lady (fagot), a bathroom sweeper.
Germans aren’t serious about education. Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep is not really an educator. Thus, in order to reform the German education system, Germany should beg other countries to export some teachers and move all German professors to low-income bathroom cleaning jobs. We know Germany doesn’t get along with any country. But, perhaps Germans should beg for pardon for a change.
Germans? Society? Social Sciences? — Impossible.
One of the women that Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep eventually tried to rape has reported that he was trying to kiss her during the orientation session for poor dullards of MA Global Political Economy (GPE) at University of Kassel. Other students were watching open-mouthed. But if you ask them today whether they saw anything — No, they were turned blind by Hitler’s magic.
Anyway, this professor’s behavior shows that he wasn’t really a professor. He was something of a cleaning lady (fagot), a bathroom sweeper.
Germans aren’t serious about education. Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep is not really an educator. Thus, in order to reform the German education system, Germany should beg other countries to export some teachers and move all German professors to low-income bathroom cleaning jobs. We know Germany doesn’t get along with any country. But, perhaps Germans should beg for pardon for a change.
Helen Schwenken, ICDD, University of Kassel, Airs her Cunt
It has been reported elsewhere that the ‘manager’ of sexual harassment at University of Kassel’s programs run by rape-attempter Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep is a Nazi lady by the name of Helen Schwenken. Is she is a Nazi whore? We can’t say.
All we know is that she’s entirely helpless to stop demented Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep from trying to rape Jewish and Muslim students at this 3rd class German institution.
Helen Schwenken only airs her cunt.
All we know is that she’s entirely helpless to stop demented Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep from trying to rape Jewish and Muslim students at this 3rd class German institution.
Helen Schwenken only airs her cunt.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Prof. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, ICDD, University of Kassel, Tortures & Terrorizes Students
Ugly Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, University of Kassel, tortures and terrorizes students to force them to sleep with him. They may puke in disgust. He would go on trying to rape because the Nazis can’t take No for an answer. You either obey them or risk your life with your disobedience to Nazism.
The best way to handle this case would have been to bring all dullards of Kassel University’s programs headed by Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep to court — and force them to speak the truth. They had been watching it all — their ugly professor’s rape attempts.
But they wouldn’t have told the truth in court either.
These are low-bred beasts of the jungle, which is why they remain mediocre, poor, dull, and greedy. And they get jealous of all that are superior to them.
It is degrading, therefore, for brilliant students to look their way.
The best way to handle this case would have been to bring all dullards of Kassel University’s programs headed by Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep to court — and force them to speak the truth. They had been watching it all — their ugly professor’s rape attempts.
But they wouldn’t have told the truth in court either.
These are low-bred beasts of the jungle, which is why they remain mediocre, poor, dull, and greedy. And they get jealous of all that are superior to them.
It is degrading, therefore, for brilliant students to look their way.
ICDD, Uni Kassel: A Culture of Breeding Hate & Terror
The Nazis stand for hate. They want the world to come to an end.
We’ve been analyzing this case about rape attempts at the University of Kassel, Germany, from various sources.
It’s been reported that Nazi students and their professor, some creep by the name of Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, were all from low-income families; they were ‘ugly,’ according to the reporters; and they were all ‘dullards.’
They got jealous of Jewish and Muslim women and helped their professor try to rape them. Helen Schwenken is another name connected to this case. Regardless, everybody seems to have been involved.
The University of Kassel must have admitted these Jewish and Muslim women for 2 reasons:
1) They didn’t know these women came from good, healthy backgrounds; and they were superior to the ‘dullards’ there, in all ways. They didn’t know how jealous the ‘dullards’ would end up being.
2) They called them to Germany only to humiliate them.
It’s been reported that the Nazi helpers of Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, rape attempter, were drug addicts, free blowjob givers, etc. They were from the kinds of families where incest becomes a norm. They had no sense of morality. They were low-bred, in short. Their role models could only be rape-attempters.
So this University of Kassel is only for people from tractor farms, etc. The homeless, the dysfunctional, the low-income folks that turns into helpers of Osama or Hitler or Rolf-Dieter Postlep. Their entire focus is on physical needs (the genitals included) because their brains are very small.
We’ve been analyzing this case about rape attempts at the University of Kassel, Germany, from various sources.
It’s been reported that Nazi students and their professor, some creep by the name of Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, were all from low-income families; they were ‘ugly,’ according to the reporters; and they were all ‘dullards.’
They got jealous of Jewish and Muslim women and helped their professor try to rape them. Helen Schwenken is another name connected to this case. Regardless, everybody seems to have been involved.
The University of Kassel must have admitted these Jewish and Muslim women for 2 reasons:
1) They didn’t know these women came from good, healthy backgrounds; and they were superior to the ‘dullards’ there, in all ways. They didn’t know how jealous the ‘dullards’ would end up being.
2) They called them to Germany only to humiliate them.
It’s been reported that the Nazi helpers of Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep, rape attempter, were drug addicts, free blowjob givers, etc. They were from the kinds of families where incest becomes a norm. They had no sense of morality. They were low-bred, in short. Their role models could only be rape-attempters.
So this University of Kassel is only for people from tractor farms, etc. The homeless, the dysfunctional, the low-income folks that turns into helpers of Osama or Hitler or Rolf-Dieter Postlep. Their entire focus is on physical needs (the genitals included) because their brains are very small.
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