If we were to rank Germans as a race, they'd get the same number of points as the pig or the snake in the animal kingdom.
Germans are filled with hate toward various nations, and because their brains are locked and fail to evolve -- idiots such as the administrators of Kassel University, Germany, like to invite people from nations they hate to study among them.
This is very foolish, because sooner or later Germans would have to stop pretending they're civilized or educated enough to be running 'international programs.' They just can't do it. Instead of making fools of themselves, Germans should stick their heads up their arses and close down their trashy universities.
Moreover, Kassel University is not really an academic institution. It's Brothel University, and it's highly dangerous because you just can't trust those poor and trashy dogs and sluts from poor, criminal homes. Can you trust the Talibans? -- Nazis are exactly the same.
Difference between German Nazis and Afghan Talibans -- location. That's about it.